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Races (6)
Links to Race Web Sites

Running and Fitness

  • Altra Zero Drop Footwear (22,327)
    Zero Drop shoe company. Make shoes that are foot-shaped and designed for natural running.
  • Ancestral Running Google Group (1,295)
    Google Group for discussion of running as our ancestors did.
  • Arthur Lydiard Training (1,363)
    Arthur Lydiard training information provided by the Arthur Lydiard Foundation.
  • Barefoot Running University (2,908)
    Jason Robillard's web site and blog about running.
  • Barefoot Ted talk at Google (video) (3,563)
    Barefoot running enthusiast Ted McDonald visits Google's Kirkland, WA office to speak about his experiences with barefoot running...
  • Barefoot Ted's Adventures (2,228)
    Ted McDonald's barefoot running site.
  • barefootrunner.com (2,110)
    another barefoot running site
  • Buckeye Trail Association (3,299)
    Buckeye Trail Association who maintains this long trail through Ohio. "Follow the Blue Blazes..."
  • Can sitting too much kill you? (33,030)
    Sedentary lifestyle is bad news.
  • dailymile (5,912)
    A social training log for runners, triathletes, and cyclists.
    dailymile is a way to share your training with friends and stay motivated.
  • Dr Lieberman Strikes Again (1,301)
    Bob Neinast's blog.
  • Dynamic Hip Stretches and Strengthening (1,364)
    Sedentary lifestyle shortens your hip flexors & hamstrings which restricts hip movement. Persistent pains in your knees and/or lower back can be caused by lack of hip mobility. These 7 dynamic stretches will help you out.
  • Exercise Directory (2,009)
    List and examples of many types of fitness exercises.
  • Fit2Run Gainesville (2,727)
    Fit2Run - the Runner's Superstore.
  • Florida Track Club (25,362)
    The Florida Track Club in Gainesville, Florida sponsors races, fun runs, and social get-togethers throughout the year. The FTC was founded in the late 60's to support elite athletes like Frank Shorter, Jack Bacheler and other stars who competed in the widely-recognized Florida Track Club singlet.
  • Google Group for Minimalist Runners - Barefoot, Sandals, Shoes (37,486)
    Barefoot Ted's Google Group for Minimalist Runners that seeks to dispel the myth that you need an overly supportive, cushioned, orthopedic shoe-boot in order to push the limits of human potential in running and exploring the world.
  • Google Maps Pedometer (4,963)
    How far did you go?
  • Google Maps Pedometer at trails.com (1,592)
    Quick way to measure distances.
  • Greenville Track Club (3,831)
    The Greenville Track Club was founded in 1972 to serve the needs of Greenville area running enthusiasts, including producing running events, monthly club meetings, formal and informal training groups and as a resource for all things running.
  • Harvard Skeletal Biology Lab (1,895)
    Daniel Lieberman's research site on barefoot running, foot strike, and biomechanics.
  • Invisible Shoes - huarache sandals (2,112)
    Kits and instructions for making huarache sandals, custom-made to the shape of your foot. http://invisibleshoe.com/
  • Ken Bendy's Race Calendar (1,063)
    Huge race calendar from the Amelia Island Runners web site that covers North Florida & Selected Areas.
  • Learning the Skill of Barefoot Running (1,700)
    Terra Plana's expert Lee Saxby teaches the skill of barefoot running.
  • Lloyd Clarke Sports (31,333)
    Gainesville source for sporting goods and athletic attire since 1976. They have a great selection of minimalist running shoes.
  • Lydiard Lacing technique (4,316)
    This variation of Straight Lacing eliminates the underlying diagonals, which looks neater plus relieves pressure on the top ridge of the foot.
  • Natural Running Center shoe reviews (1,671)
    Big list of shoe reviews by the National Running Center.
  • Natural Running Store (4,148)
    Online store that sells natural running shoes. "We think you are awesome just the way you are. We love the idea that running is a simple and natural thing to do."
  • NY Times interviews Christopher McDougall (video) (3,338)
    The Roving Runner strides along Central Park barefoot with Christopher McDougall, author of the bestselling book Born to Run.
  • Rice University Wellness Center - core strengthening exercises (3,182)
    Many people believe that the core includes only the abdominals; however, this is not true. The core consists of the abdominals (rectus abdominis, transversus abdominis, internal and external obliques), the muscles of the hips, buttocks, inner thighs, and back.
  • Rough Ridge panorama (1,484)
    Panoramic view from atop Rough Ridge on the Tanawha Trail near the Blue Ridge Parkway and Grandfather Mountain.
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