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A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection

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  • Sunday, January 14 2007 @ 05:39 PM UTC
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"The Vista Content Protection specification could very well constitute the
longest suicide note in history."

This is a quote from Peter Gutmann's Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection.

The original document located here:


I have mirrored the content here:


Open Calendar Sharing

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  • Tuesday, November 21 2006 @ 02:39 PM UTC
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CalDAV is the Open Standards approach to calendar sharing. It is a little bit late to the game, but adoption is accelerating. Support has been announced by vendors such as Apple and Oracle. The Open Source community has a number of projects underway to utilize this new standard.

General Articles on open calendar sharing:

Open Source Projects:
Cosmo (CalDAV server) - http://cosmo.osafoundation.org/
Chandler (PIM / CalDAV client) - http://chandler.osafoundation.org/
Mozilla calendar clients - http://wiki.mozilla.org/Calendar:Home_Page

Introduction to Open Standards and Open Source Software

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  • Tuesday, November 21 2006 @ 02:31 PM UTC
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I gave a presentation at the 2006 Florida Association of Museums Conference (FAM) in July. I gave the same talk at Denison University in October.

Avoid vendor lock-in. Preserve your ability to access your own data into perpetuity. Adopt open standards.

The slides are posted on the web:

UPDATE 10.17.2012 - The original links fell victim to Internet Information Decay. I mirrored a copy of the presentation here:

Introduction to Open Standards and Open Source Software (PDF)

These original links to the presentation are (sadly) no longer active:

http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/omt/presenta...ndards.odp (Open Document)
http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/omt/presenta...ndards.ppt (Microsoft PowerPoint)
http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/omt/presenta...ndards.pdf (PDF)

Go Open Source videos

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  • Tuesday, November 21 2006 @ 02:26 PM UTC
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According to the Go Open Source web site, Go_Open was the first television series dedicated to Open Source Software. The television series aired in South Africa as part of a campaign to promote open source. Here is a fast mirror to those videos:


UPDATE 05.01.2013 - The original fast mirror I posted has been taken down. The go_open videos are apparently still available in the Internet Archive at:


Gator Linux User Group (GatorLUG)

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  • Thursday, August 17 2006 @ 08:06 PM UTC
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Just wanted to say hi to the local Linux Users Group here in Gainesville, Florida.


Here is their cool logo:

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