Welcome to thatlinuxbox.com Monday, February 17 2025 @ 09:01 PM UTC
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This site now supports OAuth logins via Google, Facebook, and Twitter. I have upgraded to the latest Geeklog version 2.1.0, available from: https://www.geeklog.net/filemgmt/index.php/1130 This prompted me to make some changes to the theme. I have my site logo working again and now looks good even on mobile devices. I should ...
Woops! While trying to update some Geeklog plugins to help fight the Spammers (I am getting hundreds and hundreds of bogus user registrations per day), I broke parts of the site. I am normally more careful about making a backup immediately before starting an upgrade, but in this case, I ...
I have upgraded my blog here at http://thatlinuxbox.com to Geeklog 2.0. You may have noticed that I am still tweaking the layout and theme (yay for mobile-friendly). For compatibility reasons I upgraded to the latest version of the following plugins: CAPTCHA 3.4.1 http://www.geeklog.net/filemgmt/index.php/1109 SocialShare 1.2 http://www.geeklog.net/filemgmt/index.php/1053 Autotags 1.1.0 http://www.geeklog.net/filemgmt/index.php/1061
Excuse the site layout, etc. I am in the progress of upgrading to Geeklog 2.0 and will be playing with themes and functionality.
Sorry Spammers, I am tired of useless trackback and pingback traffic. I have decided to disable pingback and trackback here on my thatlinuxbox blog. Hopefully I can spend my time on better things than deleting spammer garbage.
Finished the upgrade of Geeklog (the engine that powers this site) to Geeklog 1.8.0. Geeklog 1.8.0 is available for download from: http://www.geeklog.net/filemgmt/index.php/1060 I had no troubles, Geeklog 1.8.0 seems to be compatible with the plugins used on this site (Autotags and SocialShare).
This plugin adds social network buttons to each geeklog story and makes it easier for readers to share a story with others. Available from SocialShare Plugin. I had some trouble with this install due mostly to documentation issues.
I made some minor changes to the thatlinuxbox style sheet. I adjusted the size of some of the headings, decreased the font size for most of the text, and changed the story body text color from black to a dark grey (that's #333333 for you web geeks).
This plugin makes it easy for me to add links to youtube videos or other targets using geeklog autotags. Available from Autotags Plugin.
Finally got around to upgrading the site to the latest version of Geeklog.
I decided to create a whole new blog topic to congregate my Running posts. http://thatlinuxbox.com/blog/index.ph...ic=running I guess this means I will have to continue posting about running... which means I will also have to keep running... so really this is a motivational tool as well.
Geeklog is the CMS / Blog engine written in PHP that powers this site (http://thatlinuxbox.com/blog/). The Geeklog project has been accepted as a student mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code(tm) 2010. This is Geeklog's fourth year in the program. For more information, see: http://www.geeklog.net/article.php/su...-code-2010
I have been spending time in the Gimp making graphics for my wife's web site, so I decided to make a logo for my blog. It is not fancy, just a retro tech font with a transparent background. Here's what it should look like in the header bar for thatlinuxbox.com:
As mentioned in thatlinuxbox.com now runs on a Linode, I switched from A2 Hosting to Linode a few weeks ago. The new Linode server is running great so today I canceled my A2 Hosting account. I ditched A2 Hosting because the low apache MaxClients settings meant my sites were giving ...
Due to issues with shared web hosting plans (mostly due to insanely low apache MaxClients setting), I have moved all of my thatlinuxbox sites over to a Xen VPS solution offered by Linode.com (www.linode.com). Linode compares well with SliceHost and other VPS providers, although Linode offers 360 MB RAM and ...
It all started with me wanting to find "Science Fiction books published last month that were not about vampires." According to the Amazon Advanced Search page, the minus sign "-" is supposed to indicate a "NOT" search. I started by searching the books section for "-vampires". Amazon says: Your search ...
A few weeks ago I posted Hosting Delivery appears to be dead. Well, they did finally respond to my support ticket after I had already moved my content to a new web hosting provider. It sounds like they are still in business. {{support at hostingdelivery.com wrote: Thank you for your ...
My old web hosting company Hosting Delivery (http://hostingdelivery.com) appears to have disappeared, closed their doors, gone out of business, or just plain quit. HD let their domain name expire and they no longer respond to support tickets. The web server machine was still up and my sites continued to work, ...
After about a year, I am blogging again. I still have some theme and layout changes to make but all of the old content seems to be here. It appears that RSS feeds are working now, too.